The Power Of Herbs And Spices
If The 70’S Kids Were To Take A Trip Down The Memory Lane, A Large Part Of Their Childhood Memories Would Have Their Grandmother’s Home Remedies Or What We Lovingly Call As ‘Dadi Maa Ke Nuskhe’.
Our grandmom’s have used herbs and spices wholeheartedly and their ”gharelu upchar” is something we can still swear by. The list of herbs and spices used then was pretty long and the list of health benefits that they would confer even longer. Some legacies carried forward and some lost in generational relay. It was strongly believed that herbs and spices could help pre-empt and thus prevent the stress from the effects of negative chemicals (even, the everyday stress of living) could cause in our living. It is these stresses which, if not stopped, might convert into some disorder, depending on which part of our body is at its weakest. This might be the reason why during earlier times they were used to ward off illness, help faster recovery, increase energy, boost fertility, etc.
Even though these herbs have worked for thousands of years, scientific research is only now beginning to unravel the potential that they have to make us healthy. Isn’t it time to upgrade the ‘home remedies’ tag? After all, science now shows clearly that these herbal power-healers can fight allergies, prevent cognitive decline, ward off heart disease, alleviate arthritis pain, reduce high blood sugar and help with myriad of metabolic and systemic conditions.
The best part is that that these herbs and spices besides being very effective, they can also be used without the danger of any side effects.
We all know that daily consumption of Tulsi is said to prevent diseases and promote general health, wellbeing & longevity. But had you known that the ursolic acid in it helps boost muscle mass and decrease body fat, you would have never scoffed at the few tulsi leaves your mother puts in your morning cup of tea daily.
Similarly, it has been scientifically proven that cinnamon is effective against diabetes. Simply by seasoning a high carb food with cinnamon, one can lesser its impact on their blood sugar levels.
Cumin is a proven digestive aid that improves digestion and appetite. It also has carminative properties that help relieves flatulence. Typically used in Indian cooking making it easy to digest. Remember even the jeera goli digestives that we used to love post meals?
Turmeric had been our secret for a long time. Researchers are now confident that the low alzheimer’s disease incidence and high consumption of turmeric here has a connection. No wonder it is suddenly one of the most studied food ingredient in the world.
Cloves are the best hack for toothache relief. Cloves have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anaesthetic properties. Improves blood circulation and makes one feel more energetic.
Ginger is known to prevent stomach upsets. It’s an effective remedy to help fight nausea and motion sickness. Remember the ginger candies / chews that your grandmom would feed you on a car journey?
Most importantly these miniscule herbs and spices work wonders even in smallest of quantities. Just keep the faith in them like people did till not so long back and let them do what they are supposed to do that is keep you healthy and disease free.
With the advent of newer technologies get ready to experiment the same old spices and herbs differently. Are you eager to try cinnamon herbal drops to your warm bowl of pumpkin soup this winter. Let us know …

Dr. Kamna Desai
Dietitian, Mumbai
A qualified Dietitian from Mumbai with over 20 years of expertise in the field of health and nutrition.