Managing Diabetes Pressure Naturally
Through Indian Ayurvedic Herbs
Diabetes is the seventh-leading cause of death, and is on the rise, both in developed and developing countries. It is the single most important metabolic disease that affects nearly every organ/ system in the body. Reduced ‘Slin production and decreased ‘Slin sensitivity are the contributing factors for hyperglycemia both of which are effectively handled by Ayurvedic herbs.
“Madhumeha (diabetes) is one among 20 types of Prameha (urological disorder) described in various Ayurvedic classics. According to Ayurveda, it is caused by excess use of guru (heavy to digest), snigdha (unctous), amla (sour) and lavana rasa (salt) , navanna (food prepared from newly harvested grains), new wine, ssya sukha (sedentary life style), atinidra (excess sleep), avyayama (lack of exercise), achinta (lack of mental exercise), obstaining from samshodhana (purification) therapy”
Cinnamon lowers blood sugar by increasing glucose transport into cells.
Cinnamon also lowers Fasting Blood Sugar and decreases Hemoglobin A1c. Cinnamon can help keep blood sugar spikes after meals in check by slowing down the rate at which food empties out of your stomach. Some studies suggest that it may lower blood sugar following meals by blocking digestive enzymes that break down carbs in the small intestine.
Scientific Research Articles
Tulsi leaves are packed with antioxidants that produce eugenol, methyl eugenol and caryophyllene that help the pancreatic cells to function properly. This helps to regulate blood sugar levels and keep them in check. Another added advantage is that the antioxidants present in the leaves help beat the ill effects of oxidative stress, which is a major contributor of metabolic diseases and diabetes
Scientific Research Articles
Ginger is an effective addition to diabetes treatment when used appropriately. Taking ginger daily at moderate levels help lower your blood sugar levels.
University of Sydney, Australia, found that extracts from Ginger can increase uptake of glucose into muscle cells without using ‘Slin, and may therefore assist in the management of high blood sugar levels.
Scientific Research Articles
Cumin is called Jeeraka in Ayurveda to mean it helps with Jeeranam or digestion. Digestion and Diabetes are closely related. Poor digestive system could cause many factors that induce diabetes. Similarly diabetes affects the way gastrointestinal (GI) tract works. GI tract is the group of organs responsible for the ingestion, digestion, and absorption of food as well as the elimination of unwanted waste products. It includes includes your mouth and throat, stomach, and intestines . Liver and pancreas are also considered part of GI tract and can be affected by diabetes. Cumin is one herb that takes care of the entire GI track and that’s why it is called ‘Jeeraka’. Scientific validations all over the world confirm this effect of ‘Cumin’ in controlling Sugar levels in blood.
Scientific Research Articles
Cinnamon + Cumin Drops
- Frequency: Alternate days or Alternate weeks
- Quantity: 1 ml to 2 ml each (with one litre / 2 litres of water)
- Dosage: 1 ml Cinnamon + 1 ml Cumin in 1 litre of water (replace normal drinking water)
Ginger + Tulsi Drops
- Frequency: Alternate days or Alternate weeks
- Quantity: 1 ml to 2 ml of Ginger + 0.5 ml to 1 ml of Tulsi (with one litre / 2 litres of water)
- Dosage: 1 ml Ginger and 0.5 ml Tulsi in 1 litre of water (replace normal drinking water) (Alternate between Ginger + Tulsi and Cinnamon+Cumin ; Just add a ml of drops in 1 litre water bottle and use it in office or home)
Tulsi Drops
- Frequency: Daily
- Quantity: 3 drops in a glass of hot water in the morning before breakfast
Ginger + Cumin Drops
- Frequency: Daily
- Quantity: 1 drop of Ginger + 1 drop of Cumin in a glass of hot water in the evening / night after food