Pharma to Natura: The Wise Shift

By Team OneDrop

Naturaceuticals, a term derived from the term nutraceuticals, are a category of natural compounds that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. They include vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, and other natural substances that have been shown to promote health and prevent disease. On the other hand, pharmaceuticals are synthetic drugs that are designed to treat specific health conditions and often come with a list of side effects.

Many people believe that nutraceuticals are better than pharmaceuticals because they are derived from natural sources and tend to have fewer side effects. Nutraceuticals are often seen as a more holistic approach to healthcare, as they work to support the body’s natural healing processes rather than simply masking symptoms. Additionally, nutraceuticals may be less expensive than pharmaceuticals and more accessible to people who cannot afford costly prescription drugs.

However, it’s important to note that both nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals have their place in modern healthcare. While nutraceuticals may be effective in promoting overall health and preventing certain conditions, pharmaceuticals are often necessary for treating serious illnesses and medical emergencies. Ultimately, the choice between nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals depends on individual needs and medical advice from healthcare professionals.

Microdosing herbs and spices involves taking very small amounts of these substances regularly, often in the form of supplements or added to food. The idea behind micro-dosing is that it can provide a natural and holistic way to address various health concerns without relying on pharmaceutical drugs or other chemical-based remedies.

Some herbs and spices have been traditionally used for their medicinal properties and have been studied for their potential health benefits. For example, turmeric is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, while ginger has been shown to have anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory effects. Garlic has been shown to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, while chamomile is known for its calming effects and may help with sleep.

By incorporating small amounts of these herbs and spices into your diet or taking supplements, you may be able to address certain health concerns without resorting to chemical-based remedies. For example, if you suffer from mild arthritis pain, you might try incorporating turmeric into your diet or taking a turmeric supplement to see if it helps alleviate your symptoms.

That said, it’s important to note that herbs and spices are not a replacement for medical treatment, and you should always consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen. Additionally, while herbs and spices may offer certain health benefits, they may not be effective for all health concerns, and more severe or chronic conditions may require more intensive treatment.

Durmeric Naturaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. is a company that manufactures natural products, and it has its manufacturing facility. The products are made using a patented nanotechnology process, which means that the ingredients are broken down into tiny particles, making them more easily absorbed by the body.

The company ensures that the manufacturing facility adheres to the strictest quality standards, from sourcing the raw materials to packaging the final product. This means that the raw materials used are of the highest quality and have been tested for purity and potency. The facility itself is designed to maintain a controlled environment that is clean and sterile, ensuring that the products are free from any contaminants.

Durmeric Naturaceuticals Pvt Ltd. takes the safety of its customers seriously, which is why it uses child-safe ingredients in its products. This means that the products are safe to use around children and will not harm them if accidentally ingested.

OneDrop is a type of herbal supplement that is designed to increase the bioavailability of active ingredients in herbs. It is different from traditional supplement forms such as powders, capsules, syrups, tablets, and teas because it comes in the form of highly concentrated liquid extracts. This means that when you take OneDrop, your body can absorb the active ingredients of the herbs more effectively, leading to a more significant health benefit.

One of the challenges with traditional supplement forms is that they often have low bioavailability, which means that your body is not able to fully absorb the active ingredients. This can result in reduced supplement effectiveness, or the need to take larger doses to achieve the desired effect. However, OneDrop is formulated to overcome this challenge by providing highly concentrated liquid extracts that are easily absorbed by the body.

One of the key advantages of OneDrop is its versatility and adaptability. The liquid extracts can be added to any dish or beverage, making them easy to incorporate into your daily routine. This makes it a more convenient and practical option compared to other supplement forms that may require more time and effort to consume.

Overall, OneDrop is a cutting-edge herbal supplement that offers a more effective, convenient, versatile, and adaptable method of consuming herbs. Its highly concentrated liquid extracts provide the body with full access to the active ingredients of herbs, making it a powerful tool for maintaining and improving your health.

OneDrop Turmeric Drops - Product Information in English

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Are you getting a good sleep?

By Team OneDrop

Let’s begin this short article by saying that sleeping, as a human activity is very underrated. Most of us do not attach as much importance to the act of sleeping well, as much as we do for every other activity. It only begins to hurt us, when we are unable to catch up with a good sleep or say quality sleep, owing to multiple factors.
Sleeping well is important to the overall well-being of any person. It helps get rid of day to day stress, helps one get to work on time, helps the body heal, and makes one ready physically and mentally for the next good day, in store.

People who don’t get enough sleep are always tired throughout the day, can’t do well at work, and are always grumpy. Not just these so called mundane things. A lack of sleep, over a long period of time can also increase one’s risk of getting diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. But once we realise that we miss on quality sleep, and act upon it, these kinds of risks just fade away. It also means that the quality of our life is greatly improved, and we are able to do our best in all our personal and professional activities.
A lot of people don’t really know how much sleep they need, but the general amount is somewhere between 7-9 hours per night. If you’re not getting this much sleep, you might be having some problems with your daily life, such as not being able to focus, which can be a hindrance for students and workers alike. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, you can’t fully function and will feel sluggish and tired most of the time. So, remember to get your sleep and you’ll feel happier and more energized

So, make sure to get enough sleep every night! It is said that any normal person would need about 8 hours of good sleep. While this may be a stretch for those having long working hours, and a host of personal chores, the barest minimum is something like 6 hours of quality sleep every night. This must be sacrosanct and non-negotiable for each one of us.

Following some simple habits would go a long way in aiding a good night’s sleep. Make sure to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes late at night. Stay away from the television, computer, games, and phone. In today’s times when almost every action revolves around the ubiquitous mobile phone, one must ensure that screen time on the phone is kept minimal.
You have a whole lot of apps which help you track your time on the phone. Set a personal time limit, and make sure you follow it. Make it a point to not carry your phones with you when you lie down on the bed. Make your bedroom dark and quiet. Most importantly, get plenty of exercise daily. This helps the body relax and it releases chemicals that help induce sleep.

You’ve probably heard another set of reasons for not sleeping well – too much of news, social media, noise from other people, unnecessary stress in worrying about inconsequential things etc..

In the run up to going to the bed, reducing a lot of stimulation, physically and mentally, will help you fall asleep a lot easier and help you fall back asleep a lot easier when you wake up during the night! Which means that at least for a couple of hours before you go to bed, you must start keeping away from your TV, mobile phone, the laptop, any electronic device, and the now universal OTT platforms which are the new sleep suckers!

The other major reasons to why many of us struggle to sleep is the fact that our routines are not in check, the intensity of the day’s activities, the foods we eat, our lifestyles, the amount of health concerns, etc. Another big reason is the environment we sleep in. The room or place we sleep in has to be the right temperature, with the right amount of light, sound, distractions, etc. Actually, the majority of people don’t have their bedrooms in the right environment in the first place in order to fall asleep. Here are some tips in order to get in the right environment in order to sleep better.

It would do well to pay attention to these factors, and ensure that we create a right ambience for ourselves, when we go to bed every single day. We may not be able to have every single factor in the right order, but with some conscious effort, we can ensure that we reach a balance in the room atmosphere – no bright lights around, a night lamp if needed, placing water next to the bed for easy reach, if having an AC, setting it in the right temperature, as said earlier keeping away all electronic devices from the bed area etc.

All these are easy to do, and will result in our getting a good and deep sleep over time.

PS – If you need help, we do have a wonderful product, the “Deep Sleep Kit”. Check it out.

Super Greens Power


A potent combination of microgreens, mint along with basil extracts should be your go to superfood. The fresh mint along with a bundle of supergreens can power up your dull day. Adding just 5 drops of the Basil Daily Drops from Durmeric to this drink can tantalize your taste buds and supercharge your immune cells. The fragrant sweet basil imparts a wonderful sensory experience to the otherwise earthy drink.


¼ cup water

1 cup Microgreens (Mix)

¼ cup fresh mint

5 drops Basil Daily Drops


In a mixer grinder, take 1 cup of mix microgreens* (cleaned) and ¼ cup of mint.

Blend it well in the mixer. Keep adding water to the mixie for making a smooth green slurry.

Strain the mixture through a sieve and pour it in a glass.

Add 5 drops of basil extract drops.

Enjoy your supergreen drink as it is or with ice cubes.

*Mix Microgreens – Baby Spinach, wheat grass, amaranth, mustard, beet, radish greens, etc.

Dr. Kamna Desai

Dietitian, Mumbai

A qualified Dietitian from Mumbai with over 20 years of expertise in the field of health and nutrition.

Tulsi For Diabetes – How Tulsi Can Be Used To Manage Diabetes?

TULSI Or Holy Basil, Also Famously Known As The “QUEEN OF HERBS,” Has Numerous Benefits To The Human Body.

Tulsi, or Holy Basil, also famously known as the “Queen Of Herbs,” has numerous benefits to the human body. Tulsi has a long history of significance since the Vedic age and is still being used extensively in the preparation of various medicines for different ailments.

The word Tulsi means “the incomparable plant,” and sure it is, with the abundance of health benefits. Tulsi is consumed in all its forms, dried, fresh, powdered, and even essential oils. All the parts of the plant are used to prepare different medicines, be it leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds.

Tulsi is a holy and sacred plant in Hinduism is grown in almost every household in the country. People worship this plant and also consume them in their day to day life. This herb can be grown in small pots in gardens and balconies. It can even be used in preparing various delicacies; it will add not only flavor but also various health benefits.

Nutritional value of Tulsi

The nutritional value of this herb is significantly high and consists of the following;

  1. Vitamin A and C – they have antioxidant activity. They are useful in overriding harmful molecules that are produced within your cells and tissues. These harmful molecules may cause damage or a particular disease.
  2. The right amount of Calcium – a vital nutrient for bone strength. It plays a very crucial role in keeping a healthy interaction between the brain and other parts of the body.
  3. Zinc – a necessary element for a healthy immune system. It also helps in fast healing of wounds and promotes healthy growth during childhood.
  4. Iron – an essential mineral for the proper functioning of hemoglobin. It also plays an essential role in regulating the body temperature as well as the immune system.
  5. Chlorophyll – rich in vitamins, antioxidants as well as have therapeutic properties. It stimulates the immune system, works wonder in detoxifying the blood, and energizes your body.

What are the various health benefits of Tulsi?

The numerous health benefits of the tulsi plant are because of the active ingredient found in its leaves- Eugenol. It also contains a good quantity of ursolic acid and carvacrol, both of which have anti-microbial properties. Tulsi tea is highly rich in antioxidants, which help the body fight free radicals that are responsible for causing various chronic degenerative diseases.

Some of the benefits of consuming Tulsi daily are as follows-

  1. Blood Sugar Regulation
  2. Prevents Respiratory Disorders
  3. Lung Disorder Beats Stressaids Weight Loss
  4. Removes Toxins from the Body
  5. Protection Against Infections and Aids Healing
  6. Useful in Kidney Stones and Gouty Arthritis
  7. Anti-cancer Properties
  8. Fights Bad Breath
  9. Keeps the Heart Safe
  10. Flawless Skin
  11. Protection Against Infections and Aids Healing

Tulsi for Diabetes 

Diabetes, a major lifestyle disease, is prevalent in the country. Diabetes is a condition that results in a perpetually elevated level of blood sugar. Every third person in the country is suffering Diabetes. It is marked by certain fluctuations in the blood sugar levels in the human body. Most health experts verify for holy basil to stabilize blood sugar levels, thanks to the many health-promoting properties Tulsi offers.

This herb is said to improve the pancreatic beta-cell functioning  and further, it increases the uptake level of glucose by the muscle cells.

Those patients who consume Tulsi with their regular medications have shown significantly more prominent improvements in glucose check. Spikes in blood glucose levels after consuming food also improved significantly. Tulsi leaves are assumed to have hypoglycemic qualities, which lower blood sugar levels and further prevent certain complications of Diabetes.

Tulsi leaves are packed with various antioxidants that produce compounds that help the pancreatic cells to function properly and efficiently, such as Eugenol, Methyl eugenol, and Caryophyllene. This helps to regulate blood sugar levels; furthermore, it will keep them in check. Another added advantage of consuming Tulsi every day is that the antioxidants found in the leaves of the herb help beat the ill effects of oxidative stress, which is a major contributor to metabolic diseases and Diabetes.

Tulsi water is an excellent choice for regulating blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Daily consumption of Tulsi water helps the metabolism of carbs and fats; it will ensure that the sugar in the blood is utilized for energy. Tulsi helps in improving the functioning of the pancreatic beta-cell and is also active in significantly reducing the fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels.

How to consume Tulsi ?

Now that you have known the several benefits of drinking Tulsi water early in the morning, you can use a few easy steps to make your own Tulsi water.

  • Soak some tulsi leaves in water, leave it for 8-10 hours, and drink this tulsi water first thing in the early morning on an empty stomach. You can also make some tulsi water ahead and store it in a container and keep sipping it throughout the day.


  • Take a relatively medium-sized pot and put about two cups of water
  • Pour almost two cups of water in a pan or the amount of water you want to make.
  • Put the pan into flames.
  • let the water in the pot come to a boil
  • Turn off the fire and add a handful of Tulsi leaves in boiled hot water. Cover the tea for about 20 minutes. Then, strain off the tea from the leaves.
  • Then serve the tea, you can consider adding honey or sugar to improve the taste.
  • Enjoy the Tulsi tea.


You can try and buy tulsi leaf extracts or tulsi powder from any nearby shops that sell Ayurvedic products. However, if you don’t find them nearby, you can chew fresh tulsi leaves to obtain their benefits. Consume two to three fresh leaves from the herb or consume about one full tablespoon of its extract on an empty stomach to lower the blood sugar levels and keep the cholesterol checked.

Hence, Tulsi provides various health benefits, especially to those who have Diabetes. The diabetic patient should utilize consumption Tulsi in their day to day life, and it will definitely help their condition and will aid their overall health.

Dr. Kamna Desai

Dietitian, Mumbai

A qualified Dietitian from Mumbai with over 20 years of expertise in the field of health and nutrition.

Benefits Of Drinking Tulsi Water In Morning

Tulsi, A Sacred Plant In Hinduism, Has An Old History Of Benefits. Even The Ancient Ayurveda Has Mentions Of Tulsi And Its Numerous Uses And Fantastic Health Benefits.

Tulsi, a sacred plant in Hinduism, has been extensively used as a medicinal herb from ancient times. Even the ancient Ayurveda has mentions of Tulsi and its numerous uses and fantastic health benefits. Tulsi or Basil is a fragrant herb that works wonders if consumed as Tulsi water on an empty stomach in the early morning. The leaves of this herb are filled with numerous important antioxidants that boost the working of our digestive system and helps in easy digestion of the consumed food.

Nutritional value of Tulsi extract. 

The nutritional value of this herb is significantly high and consists of the following;

  1. Vitamin A and C – they have antioxidant activity. They are useful in overriding harmful molecules that are produced within your cells and tissues. These harmful molecules may cause damage or a particular disease.
  2. The right amount of Calcium – a vital nutrient for bone health. It plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy communication between the brain and other parts of the body.
  3. Zinc – a necessary element for a healthy immune system. It also helps in fast healing of wounds and promotes healthy growth during childhood.
  4. Iron – an essential mineral for the proper functioning of hemoglobin. It also plays an essential role in regulating the body temperature as well as the immune system.
  5. Chlorophyll – rich in vitamins, antioxidants as well as have therapeutic properties. It stimulates the immune system, works wonder in detoxifying the blood, and energizes your body.

Health benefits of Drinking Tulsi water in the morning. 

Tulsi, as a whole plant, has several health benefits. Each part of the herb can be used for various purposes, such as – flowers, leaves, and seeds, or the complete plant. Different ointments, pills, and essential oils are prepared from this herb for the treatment of various ailments.

Some of the other benefits of drinking Tulsi water first thing in the morning are as follows;

  • BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION – Tulsi water is an excellent choice for regulating blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Daily consumption of Tulsi water also helps facilitate the metabolism of carbs and fats, ensuring that the sugar in the blood is utilized for energy. Tulsi helps in improving the functioning of the pancreatic beta-cell and is also effective in significantly reducing the fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels.
  • PREVENTS RESPIRATORY DISORDERS – Tulsi water is filled with various anti-allergic, as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, daily consumption of Tulsi water not only prevents various respiratory disorders but also helps ease allergic reactions, cough, and cold.
  • LUNG DISORDER – Tulsi essential oil consists of components like vitamin C, Camphene, Eugenol, and Cineole. These components help in curing lung infections and also promote fast healing of the damaged lungs due to smoking. A juice prepared from Tulsi leaves mixed with other products like honey and ginger helps reduce bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cough, and cold.
  • BEATS STRESS – stress has become part of our daily lifestyle. From the moment we wake up to the time when we go back to sleep at night, there is always a particular form of stress in our mind. Tulsi water helps in keeping the stress away and boosts our memory as well. Tulsi tea is very useful in maintaining the body’s normal levels of cortisol (stress hormone). Tulsi helps in lowering the level of cortisol in the body. Tulsi has been shown to have antidepressant and antianxiety properties similar to antidepressant drugs.
  • AIDS WEIGHT LOSS – consuming Tulsi water every day improves the metabolic activities in the body. The faster the metabolism, the sooner you’ll be able to burn body calories. This, in turn, helps in removing the unwanted fat and reduces body weight. It also keeps a check on the harmful cholesterol levels in the body, which may lead to obesity.
  • REMOVES TOXINS FROM THE BODY – as Tulsi water is filled with several antioxidants, it helps in digestion, cleansing the stomach, and removes toxins from our body.
  • USEFUL IN KIDNEY STONES AND GOUTY ARTHRITIS – as mentioned earlier as well, Tulsi detoxifies the body by eliminating toxins from the body and its richness in diuretic properties. Tulsi also helps decrease the level of uric acid in the body, which is the primary reason for the development of kidney stones. Tulsi also helps in providing relief to patients suffering from Gout.
  • ANTI-CANCER PROPERTIES – Tulsi consists of phytochemicals that have strong antioxidant properties. Therefore, they are useful in protecting various skin, liver, and oral and lung cancers.
  • FIGHTS BAD BREATH – Tulsi leaves are overloaded with antibacterial properties, useful for fighting off bad breath. Tulsi leaves are used as toothpaste and are a primary component in several kinds of toothpaste.
  • KEEPS THE HEART SAFE – Tulsi leaves are rich in Eugenol, a therapeutic compound that helps in protecting the heart by keeping in check your body’s blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • FLAWLESS SKIN – drinking Tulsi water helps in removing toxins from our blood. Tulsi also has antifungal properties that prevent the development of fungus. Thus, once our body becomes healthy and toxins free, the occurrence of pimples and acne also reduces manifold. The antioxidants present in leaves also prevent premature aging.
  • PROTECTION AGAINST INFECTIONS AND AIDS HEALING – Tulsi leaf extract is overloaded with antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. These properties of Tulsi aid the fast healing of wounds as well as protect them against any form of infection.


Now that you have known the several benefits of drinking Tulsi water early in the morning, you can follow a few simple steps to make your own Tulsi water.

  • Soak some tulsi leaves in water, leave it overnight, and drink the tulsi water first in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also make some tulsi water ahead and store it in a tumbler and keep sipping through the day.


  • Take a relatively medium-sized pot and put about two cups of water
  • Pour 2 cups of water in a pan.
  • Put the pan into flames.
  • Allow the water to boil
  • Turn off the fire and add a handful of Tulsi leaves in hot water. Cover the tea for about 20 minutes. Then, strain off the tea from the leaves.
  • Then serve the tea, you can consider adding honey or sugar to improve the taste.
  • Enjoy the Tulsi tea.

Tulsi is a miracle herb, with tons of medicinal properties that have been well-researched and documented. Ensure that you incorporate Tulsi extract in some form of your daily diet to ensure that you get all the health benefits by consuming the wonder herb.

Dr. Kamna Desai

Dietitian, Mumbai

A qualified Dietitian from Mumbai with over 20 years of expertise in the field of health and nutrition.

Rose Cilantro Decoction


A soothing combination of rose, cilantro along with cumin extracts is a must try out this March. The sweet, fragrant and cooling rose petals along with detoxifying benefits of cilantro together makes up for refreshing combination on a sultry evening. Add 4-5 drops of Cumin Daily Drops from Durmeric to this and elevate the tranquil effect of the decoction.


2 cups water

1 rose petals

¼ cup fresh cilantro

5 drops Cumin Daily Drops


In a medium pot, take 2 cups of water and put it for boiling.
Add the rose petals and cilantro and simmer it for 4-5 minutes.
Turn off the heat. Let it steep as the water cools. Pour it in a cup.
Add 5 drops of cumin extract drops.
Enjoy the decoction.

Dr. Sunita Pathania

Dietitian, Mumbai

A senior qualified Dietitian from Mumbai with over 30 years of experience in the field of medical nutrition therapy.

Thai Raw Mango Salad

Thai Raw Mango Salad

Ginger, Continental, Salad, Chef Suresh Babu


  • Raw Mango 200gm
  • Red Cabbage 100gm
  • Radish 100gm
  • Mix Peppers 200gm
  • Cucumber 200gm
  • Red Onion 50gm
  • Green Chilli 4ea
  • Red Radish 50gm
  • Basil Drops 10 ea
  • Cilantro Drops 10 ea
  • Peanut butter 50gm
  • Miso paste 2tsp
  • Honey 4tbs
  • Lemon 2ea
  • Peanut roasted 100gm
  • Ginger 40gm
  • Garlic 40gm
  • Bean sprouts 100gm
  • E.V. Olive Oil 50ml
  • Fresh green mix 100gms


  • Shred the raw mango, jullenne the peppers and small dice the rest of the fresh vegetables.
  • Salt the cucumber and chill.
  • Pound green chili, lemon juice and peanut and add olive oil and miso paste, cilantro & Basil drops and honey and prepare the dressing.
  • Mix all the ingredients to the dressing and adjust the seasioning.
  • Garnish with crushed roasted peanuts and fried garlic chips.
  • Top it up with fresh green mix.
  • Served chilled.

Pumpkin Stir Fry


  • Pumpkin 250 gms cut into cubes
  • Coconut oil 1 tablespoon
  • One drop Black pepper 10 drops
  • One drop cumin 10 drops
  • One drop ginger 10 drops
  • Curry leaves 1 sprig
  • Grated coconut 2 tablespoons
  • Salt as needed
  • Mustard 1 teaspoon
  • Urad dal 1/2 teaspoon


  • In a kadai, heat Coconut oil, temper with mustard seeds, urad dal and curry leaves.
  • Add pumpkin, salt and 1/4 cup of water.
  • Simmer and let it cook for 5 minutes.
  • Once the pumpkin is well cooked, add the above mentioned ginger, black pepper, cumin drops and grated coconut.
  • Give it a quick mix and switch off the flame.

Pomegranate Peel Tea

Pomegranate Peel Tea

Cinnamon, Clove leaf, Tea, Mannar


  • Pomegranate Peel – Dried / fresh 3 small pieces
  • lemon 1/4
  • Water
  • Sugar / Sweetener / Honey
  • OneDrop Cinnamon
  • OneDrop Clove Leaf


  • Heat water in a saucepan
  • Add the pomegranate peel and boil till colour changes
  • Strain and pour to a tea cup
  • Squeeze and add lemon drops
  • Add Sugar / Sweetener / Honey to the cup and stir
  • Add two drops of OD Cinnamon and two drops of Clove Leaf
  • Drink when it still hot

This recipe is an excellent drink for stomach affected by medicines / fever / hot food. While this can be used regularly, best for those who recover from illness during convalescence.

Pavalamalli tea

Pavalamalli tea

Black Pepper, Cumin, Tea, Mannar


  • Dry leaves of Pavalamalli (Night Jasmine / Parijata / Harsingar) 2
  • Water
  • OneDrop Black Pepper
  • OneDrop Cumin


  • Heat water in a saucepan
  • Put 2 dried leaves of Pavalamalli / Parijatha
  • Boil till water colour changes
  • Strain and pour to a tea cup
  • Add 2 drops of OneDrop Black Pepper and OneDrop Cumin
  • Drink when it’s hot or warm

This tea has plenty of medicinal values. It’s excellent to control diabetes and blood pressure. Helps improve general wellness. Drink once in a week.

Tomato Basil Spaghetti

Tomato Basil Spaghetti

Spaghetti, Chef Gireesh Nair, Basil


  • Portion 4
  • Spaghetti 500 gm
  • Roma tomatoes. 1000 gm
  • Onion chopped 300 gm
  • Garlic chopped. 50 gm
  • Olive oil 75 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter 50 gm
  • Basil drops 25 drops
  • Parmesan cheese 75 gm
  • Ground black pepper to taste


  • Blanch tomatoes. Remove skin and seeds. Chop roughly
  • In a pan add oil garlic and onions. Sauté for 8 minutes until translucent.
  • Add tomatoes and salt and simmer for 20 minutes
  • In a large pot bring water to a boil. Add salt then the spaghetti. Cook as per instructions on the packet.
  • Drain the pasta and reserve some pasta water.
  • In a sufficiently large pan bring the sauce to a simmer. Add drained pasta butter and one drop wellness basil drops
  • Mix for 2 minutes adding pasta water to keep moist.
  • Portion into bowls. Sprinkle black pepper powder and Grate Parmesan on top. Serve hot

Raw Papaya Salad

Raw Papaya Salad

Cumin, Basil, Salad, Chef Suresh Babu


  • Raw Papaya 800 gm
  • Carrot shreddded 200 gm
  • Green beans shredded 100 gm
  • Tomatoes julienne 100 gm
  • Gr. Chili 1ea
  • Roasted Peanut 50 gm


  • E. V. Olive Oil 120ml
  • Peanut 50 gm
  • Garlic 15 gms
  • Green Chilli 2ea
  • Coriander Leaves Few Springs
  • Lemon Juice 2ea
  • ODW Basil & Cumin drop 20 drops ea
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste


  • Peal n shred semi ripe papaya and chill it.
  • Shred carrot and cooked Green beans and chillto 60 degree cl.
  • Pound Peanut, Green chili, Garlic and coriander leaves together with olive oil in a pestle to a smooth paste


  • Prepare dressing by blending E.V.Olive Oil, spicy peanut paste, lemon Juice and season it with salt n pepper
  • Add One Drop Wellness basil and Cumin drops and taste.
  • Add more drops if you need more stronger flavor of the herbal extract
  • Marinated the chilled ingredients with the spicy peanut dressing and rest it for few minutes.
  • Add the coriander leaves and the roasted peanuts and toss it nicely to mix.
  • Ensure the salad is chilled to 60*cl and add the greens before service.

Potato Curry


  • Potata 4 Nos 1/4 kg
  • Onions 2 large
  • Chilli powder 1/2 table spoon
  • Coriander powder 1 table spoon
  • Tomato 2
  • Garlic pices 8
  • Curd 1 cup
  • Kasuri Methi 1 tea spoon
  • Salt as required
  • Water as required
  • Oil as required
  • OD Pepper drops
  • OD Cumin drops
  • OD Ginger drops
  • OD Turmeric drops
  • OD Cinnamon drops


  • Saute Onions, Tomato, Garlic, Cashewnuts with Oil or Ghee and make a paste of them
  • Boil the potato and shallow fry them in a tawa
  • Then add the fried potatoes and the paste in a Kadai and then add all other ingredients except Kasuri methi and stir them well while cooking
  • Add water as necessary to the required consistency
  • Check for salt, add the Kasuri methi once it’s done and take the kadai from stove
  • Serve hot with Roti / Puri / Rice or as you like



  • Eggs 2 Nos
  • Onion 1 No
  • Green Chillies 1 No
  • Coriander leaves (Optional) 1 small bunch, finely chopped
  • Salt as required
  • OneDrop Turmeric 3 drops
  • OneDrop Cumin 4 drops
  • OneDrop Pepper 6 drops


  • Beat the eggs with chopped green chillies, cut onions and salt using an egg beater in a bowl till the mixer froths well
  • Add the onedrop Turmeric, Pepper and Cumin to the mixer
  • Grease the pan and pour the mixture into 6-8 inch round omelette
  • Turn and cook on both sides; Serve hot

Horsegram Noodles

Horsegram Noodles

Black Pepper, Preethi, Noodles, Ginger

Contact us for this recipe at [email protected]


  • Red pepper 100g
  • Green pepper 100g
  • Yellow pepper 100g
  • Carrot 150g
  • Bottle Goard 150g
  • Snake Goard 150g
  • Corn Kernel 150g
  • Cherry Tomato 100g
  • Salad greens 150g
  • Garlic 30g
  • Broccoli 150g


  • E. V. Olive Oil 120ml
  • Dijon Mustard 2 tsp
  • Balsamic Vinegar 30ml
  • Roasted garlic 5gm
  • OD Wellness Basil Drop 20 drops
  • Lemon Juice 1ea
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste


  • Wash & Clean vegetables
  • Cut cherry tomato into quarters
  • Dice carrots medium, cook and chill
  • Cut broccoli in to small florets and blanch in slated water
  • Dice rest of the vegetables and marinate them with chop garlic, onion and Olive oil
  • Grill all the processed vegetables in medium heat and season them with salt & pepper and chill it to 60*cl.


  • Prepare dressing by blending mustard, E.V.Olive Oil, Lemon Juice and balsamic vinegar
  • Season it with salt and ground pepper
  • Add One Drop Wellness basil drops and taste.
  • Add more drops if you need more stronger flavor of the herbal extract
  • Marinated the grilled seasoned vegetables with the Basil Balsamic dressing and rest it for few minutes.
  • Ensure the salad is chilled to 60*cl and add the greens before service.

Moringa soup


  • Moringa (Drumstick pods) 1
  • Moringa leaves 1 cup
  • Moringa flowers 1/4 cup
  • Onions 1 large
  • Green chillies 1 number
  • Curry leaves small portion
  • Fresh grated coconut 25 grams
  • Tomato 1 number
  • Salt as required
  • Cooking Oil 3 tea spoons
  • OneDrop Ginger 5 drops
  • OneDrop Garlic 2 drops
  • OneDrop Cumin 3+2 drops
  • OneDrop Cinnamon 3+2 drops
  • OneDrop Turmeric 3+2 drops


  • Cut the the moringa pod into four to five pieces and pressure cook it with a pinch of salt and turmeric powder
  • Once, cooked, scrape the pulp from the pod and keep aside
  • Saute the cut onions, tomato, chillies, moringa flowers, moringa leaves in a pan, till the leaves are semicooked
  • Now add all the ingredients including drops in a pressure cooker and heat the contents upto 3 whistles
  • Let the cooker cool and then remove the cooked ingredients and grind them in a mixer to a nice pulp
  • Check for salt and taste and add the balance onedrop cumin, cinnamon, turmeric
  • Serve hot and use the grated coconut to garnish

This is a complete meal by itself. It’s very nutritious and contains plenty of soluble organic iron and many minerals. If you don’t have access to moringa flowers, you can still make this soup without it.

Milk with Malkangani

Milk with Malkangani

Mannar, Malkangani, Milk


  • Milk
  • Water
  • Sugar / Jaggery powder / Honey
  • OneDrop Malkangani


  • Heat Milk with required amount of water in a saucepan
  • If you sweeten with jiggery powder or sugar, add it to the pan directly
  • Pour to a glass / cup; if you use honey for sweetening, add it to cup and stir well till honey mixes well with the milk
  • Add 4 drops of to a cup / glass of milk (200 ml)
  • Drink when it’s still hot / warm

Curd Rice


  • Rice 1 cup ( well cooked and mashed)
  • Curd 200 ml
  • Milk 100 ml
  • Salt as needed
  • Mustard 1 teaspoon
  • Urad dal 1/2 teaspoon
  • One drop ginger 10 drops
  • One drop cumin 10 drops
  • Coconut oil 1 teaspoon
  • Curry leaves 1 sprig
  • Dry red chilli 1


  • In kadai add coconut oil, temper with mustard, urad dal, dry red chilli and curry leaves.
  • Add the tempering to the mashed and cooked rice. Mix well.
  • Add curd, milk, salt, ginger and cumin drops.
  • Mix the rice without any lumps and serve with potato fry or pickle.

Coffee with Cinnamon

Coffee with Cinnamon

Cinnamon, Coffee, Mannar


  • Red pepper 100g
  • Green pepper 100g
  • Yellow pepper 100g
  • Carrot 150g
  • Bottle Goard 150g
  • Snake Goard 150g
  • Corn Kernel 150g
  • Cherry Tomato 100g
  • Salad greens 150g
  • Garlic 30g
  • Broccoli 150g


  • E. V. Olive Oil 120ml
  • Dijon Mustard 2 tsp
  • Balsamic Vinegar 30ml
  • Roasted garlic 5gm
  • OD Wellness Basil Drop 20 drops
  • Lemon Juice 1ea
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste


  • Wash & Clean vegetables
  • Cut cherry tomato into quarters
  • Dice carrots medium, cook and chill
  • Cut broccoli in to small florets and blanch in slated water
  • Dice rest of the vegetables and marinate them with chop garlic, onion and Olive oil
  • Grill all the processed vegetables in medium heat and season them with salt & pepper and chill it to 60*cl.


  • Prepare dressing by blending mustard, E.V.Olive Oil, Lemon Juice and balsamic vinegar
  • Season it with salt and ground pepper
  • Add One Drop Wellness basil drops and taste.
  • Add more drops if you need more stronger flavor of the herbal extract
  • Marinated the grilled seasoned vegetables with the Basil Balsamic dressing and rest it for few minutes.
  • Ensure the salad is chilled to 60*cl and add the greens before service.

Chugni Dry Peas Masala

Chugni Dry Peas Masala

Cardamom, Clove bud, Veg Curry, Sajan, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cumin


  • Dried green / white peas 150 g
  • Tomatoes 3 nos - Medium
  • Onions 3 nos - Medium
  • Green Chilli 2 nos
  • Fresh Coriander leaves ¼ bunch
  • Ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
  • ODW Turmeric Drops 2 drops
  • ODW Cumin Drops 2 drops
  • ODW Cinnamon Drops 2 drops
  • ODW Cardamom Drops 2 drops
  • ODW Clove Bud Drops 3 drops
  • Bay Leaf 2 nos
  • Chilli Powder ¾ tsp
  • Kashmiri chilli powder 1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder ½ tsp
  • Coriander Powder 1 tsp
  • Chole Masala 2 tsp
  • Sunflower Oil 3 tbsp
  • Mustard Oil 1½ tbsp
  • Lime 1 nos
  • Salt 2 tsp
  • Water 750 ml


  • Wash and soak the dried peas overnight. Rinse off the soaked water and put in place it in a pressure cooker pan with just enough water just to cover the peas. Add 1 spoon salt, ODW turmeric, cumin, and ginger drops. Pressure cook on a high flame till the 1st whistle then simmer for 5 mins and turn off the flame.
  • Veg prep :
    Tomatoes – Rough chop
    Onions – 2 chopped for the gravy , 1 finely chopped for the garnish
    Coriander leaves – Separate the leaves and stalks. Finely chop the leaves for garnish
    Green Chilli – chop into 3-4 pieces
    Lime – Cut into wedges
  • Strain the cooked peas and save the cooked liquid.
  • Blend a few spoons of the cooked peas with a bit of the water it was cooked in
  • Dice rest of the vegetables and marinate them with chop garlic, onion and Olive oil
  • Grill all the processed vegetables in medium heat and season them with salt & pepper and chill it to 60*cl.


  • In a heavy bottom pan add the sunflower oil and heat over a medium flame
  • When the oil is hot, add the ODW cinnamon, cardamom and clove bud drops. Add the chopped onion and sauté till they are transparent
  • Add the blended tomato paste and continue sauteing
  • Add the turmeric and chilli powder and cook for 2 minutes. Then add the coriander powder and kashmiri chilli powder and continue cooking for 5 mins.
  • Add the mustard oil, blended peas and salt to the gravy. Stir the gravy well
  • Add the chole masala and the cooked peas. Simmer for 10-12 mins.
  • Check salt. Turn off the flame
  • Serve topped with the chopped coriander, raw onions and a squeeze of lime juice
Garnish Finely chopped onions, coriander leaves and lime wedge.
Accompaniments Goes well with Roti / Pulao / Rice / Samosa

Black Tea with Ginger and Rosemary

Black Tea with Ginger and Rosemary

Ginger, Rosemary, Tea, Mannar


  • Tea powder ½ spoon
  • OneDrop Ginger extracts 2 drops
  • OneDrop Tulsi extracts 2 drops
  • Water 1 tea cup ~ 120ml
  • Any Sweetner/Sugar/Honey  


  • Heat water in a tea pot / saucepan
  • Add tea powder or leaves and boil till colour turns dark
  • Add sugar / sweetener / honey to the tea cup
  • Strain and pour water to tea cup
  • Mix till sugar / sweetener / honey mix well with tea
  • Add OneDrop Ginger 2 drops and OneDrop Tulsi 2 drops
  • Drink when hot