Each One Of Us Is Guilty Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle For Some Or The Other Reasons. More Often Than Not, It Is This Guilt, Which Manifests Into New Year Resolutions For Us. Clearly, January Is The Only Month In The Entire Year Where One Sees A Major Spike In These New Year Health Resolutions.

Now that 2020 is officially behind us, we enter into a new year filled with hope, energy and enthusiasm. The new year is synonymous as a new beginning, a new chapter in the book called ‘Life’. And most often people want to ring in the new year with new year resolutions. Though it is just a calendar change from 31st December 2020 to 1st January 2021 and nothing more. Still, January for most people is a promising month to start with new diet plan, new gym membership or new health goals. That said it is sad to note that most (almost 80%) of the new year resolutions are never achieved or never even see the light beyond January. Come December we again gear up to set all our new year resolutions in place.

The question to ponder upon here is why do we keep repeating this cycle?

What is it with these new year resolutions specially the ones that are pertaining to health or fitness that are destined to fail?

Let’s know why these good intentions don’t live up to our expectations.

According to us the 3 most common reasons why new year resolutions fail are as follows ..

Resolutions that involve drastic changes in your lifestyle and not planned wisely will lead to major despair. Not planning properly will also mean you are planning to fail. You should be able to uphold your health plans over a period of time. Remember that you are going to fight against age old habits of yours and this will take time. Also, it is easier to drop out or walk away when you set goals or resolutions that are too difficult to adhere to. So always plan small changes towards your health goals. Start gradually and keep pushing yourself through to attain the desired results.
Never look for instant gratification. Most people want to see instant results. And if they won’t they want to back out. 10 days down the new plan you can’t expect to see significant changes in your measurements nor would you fit into your old jeans yet. Stop expecting unachievable results in a short span. If it was so quick and easy to do nobody would remain fat or unhealthy. Always remember your body has taken time to gain the extra kilos and it will take some time to lose weight as well.
You will need constant support and motivation through the entire process. Whether its your Dietitian or fitness trainer or diet tiffin service or running buddy to help you through this process. There are days when you would want to do away with all the efforts and just want to give up on the resolution. But having a coach to guide you through or a buddy to accompany you will make a huge difference. Enrolling in group activities helps you meet new people and makes the transformational mundane journey far more interesting.

What we also understand from the above failures is that most health goals are not sustainable over a period of time for various reasons. How about if some of these health goals were made into an easy to do task. It would be lot easier to sail through it right?

What if we told you that you can secure many of your health goals through few drops of herbal extract daily? Unbelievable right?

DURMERIC was born to realize this idea. It inherits the age old Ayurvedic legacy coupled with advanced nano technology to offer novel products that helps you stay healthy effortlessly. Durmeric offers herbal concentrates as daily drops making herbal nutrition easy and convenient. These drops are better than fresh herbs and are suitable for daily use. They are ‘nano-emulsified herbal extracts’ that offer the highest form of bio availability, ensuring complete absorption in the body. These drops as a part of daily health routine proves to be sustainable enough, as all you need is to add a few drops of Durmeric to your daily beverages. These few drops are sufficient to help you gain benefits of these medicinal herbs in your diet.

Let’s try to change our unhealthy habits one drop at a time. Looking to start afresh with a healthy lifestyle this 2021. Durmeric is here to support this journey of yours.

There is no better time to start than now.

Take a deep breath, sip some beverage and get set!

Dr. Kamna Desai

Dietitian, Mumbai

A qualified Dietitian from Mumbai with over 20 years of expertise in the field of health and nutrition.